Hey Eve!

Hey Eve! (2023) | Video 3′ 00”, online photo-gallery, selection of digital prints

‘Hey Eve!’ is an audiovisual piece reflecting on gender and racial bias embedded in AI algorithms. It presents the fictional dialogue between an AI chatbot called Eve and an internet user. Eve answers the questions of the user and automatically produces images upon their requests, using a popular text-to-image AI model.

The dialogue aims to reveal how AI reproduces and amplifies stereotypes based on classes like gender or race, when they are trained on non-inclusive and non-diverse datasets. By using prompts such as ‘black women working’, ‘doing the household tasks’, ‘taking care of the kids’, ‘working as secretaries’, ‘the prime minister giving a talk’, we investigate how AI algorithms tend to associate certain social roles, professions or tasks to women or black people, while it associates other more prestigious professions to white men.


  • The Wrong Biennale. Online exhibition. Curated by David Quiles Guilló. November 2023-March 2024
  • AI/AI group exhibition. Curator: James Hutchinson. Priestman Gallery, Sunderland UK. November – December 2023


  • Conference: “Capturing the Future /Photography in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, organized by Photography Center of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Institut Francais de Thessalonique, with the support of Thessaloniki PhotoBiennale 2023. December 2023